2016 issue of Canadian Monarchist News. Link
handful of articles on Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau. This
is understandable given the
recent change in government
and the fact that Mr. Trudeau's
view of, & relationship with,
the monarchy is not all that
well publicized. These articles
do a lot to illuminate Her
Majesty's newest Prime
Minister. There is also a nice
tribute to former Prime
Minister Stephen Harper for
everything he has done for
Canada's monarchy.
the Ontario Court of Appeal's ruling on the Citizenship Oath
helped clear up the details of a slightly muddled legal ruling.
It was also nice to see the Young Monarchists are well
represented. In fact, all ages are well-represented. The old
republican lie that monarchists are nostalgic octogenarians
has never been more dead.
While many features from previous issues have returned I
do note the absence of the Crowns & Maces. This feature
which noted positive actions towards the Canadian Crown
and called out negative ones was one of my favorites.
Perhaps there were too few negative actions to make a good
article? One can only hope!
Back issues of Canadian Monarchist News can be found on
the League website. Link
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour