chairman of the New Brunswick Branch of the Monarchist
League of Canada. 2019 was a good year with contacts being
reestablished, educational materials distributed to a few
schools in south-east New Brunswick, and a Victoria Day
luncheon in Fredericton for the membership to discuss
priorities going forward. And then the pandemic threw a
wrench into efforts to put those priorities into practice in
2020. The only progress made that year was to double the
number of people liking the Branch's Facebook page as more
people retreated inside and online.
to be addressed at some point. Before the departure of Barry
MacKenzie the branch had been granted the honour of having the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick agree to be the
branch patron. However, so much time had gone by that I
felt this relationship should be renewed.
With 2021 looking somewhat easier to predict I went to work
tying up this loose end. I can report that earlier this month
Lieutenant Governor Brenda Murphy graciously agreed to
renew the relationship between the New Brunswick Branch
and Her Honour. An except from the letter delivered to me:
Her Honour, The Honourable Brenda L. Murphy, ONB, Lieutenant
Governor of New Brunswick has asked me to thank you for the request
for Her Honour to grant her patronage to the New Brunswick Branch of
the Monarchist League of Canada.
Her Honour would be most pleased to lend the support of her office to
your very worthwhile organization and looks forward to serving as
your Patron. On Her Honour’s behalf, I always welcome the
opportunity to discuss how the Lieutenant Governor might participate
in your activities.
The Lieutenant Governor appreciates being kept informed about
changes within her various patronage organizations. Thank you for the
information that you included in your email of November 2020. I would
ask that you continue to forward your organization’s annual report, financial statements and any other relevant documents for our files as
they become available. This task can be completed electronically or by
reference to a website, as you have done.
We look forward to our ongoing relationship with the Monarchist
League of Canada, NB Branch.
more active in the coming year than the previous one.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour