months for several of Canada's viceregal
office-holders. The media is actually
paying attention to them. And despite
this traditionally only occurring when
someone has done something...unwise,
the coverage has actually had some
bright spots.
So I thought I'd give a quick overview
of what the media has been focusing on.
The Good...
appointed as Canada's first Debates Commissioner. He has
been tasked with organizing the leaders debates during the
next election. With a reputation for neutrality that precedes
his time as governor general his appointment has been widely
praised. We will return to the Right Honourable David
Johnston in a moment.

Lieutenant Governor Jocelyne Roy
Vienneau has had the unenviable task
of dealing with the aftermath of an
election that left no party with an easy
path to governing. Her Honour has
dealt with the situation well by taking
counsel from all sides and making clear
to everyone what was, and was not, on
the table in terms of new elections.
Depending how the coming months turn
out Her Excellency's schedule could be
very busy.
The Bad...

Payette has not had a good year.
An early misstep regarding her
views on religion ruffled a few
feathers but that issue quickly
died down and was chalked up
Her Excellency needing to 'grow
into the role'. But in September
the issue of her suitability for
that role was again an issue.
The causes were multi-pronged. She has reduced the
workload of her office, left various organizations that have
viceregal patronage in the lurch, almost caused a
constitutional crisis by being reluctant to sign a bill into law at
the required time, and generally rubbing people the wrong
way. The circumstances of appointment have left many
placing blame on the Prime Minister for abandoning the
committee formed to advise on viceregal appointments. We'll
see if the Governor General can turn things around in the
coming year.
And The Ugly...

Clarkson (pictured) was brought out of
the anonymity of retirement by the
discovery that she has continued to
bill the government thousands of
dollars through a program created in
the 1970s to help former governors
general continue to represent Canada.
While she hasn't broken any rules she
has refused to disclose how the money
was used. She has also been the main
opponent of reforming the program.
While Clarkson had some criticism of her spending while in
office it was defended then as going along with revitalizing
the role of governor general and partly due to the government
wanting the governor general to do more international
travel while representing Canada. The current money issue
threatens her legacy and emboldens republicans.
To the credit of the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson she
has mounted a reasonable defence of her spending. But
until there is some accountability for her spending I can see
this issue festering to no benefit of the Crown.
The Right Honourable David Johnston bolstered his own
respectable reputation (and preempted any attempt to smear
all of the former governors general with the same brush) by
announcing his intention to release financial records of his
spending since leaving office.
The Patreon
blog for the sheer joy of it and will continue to do so even if it
doesn't make me a cent. However, the Monarchist League of
Canada does have a (rather neglected) Patreon. They
do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to the defence of
Canada's monarchy as this timeline and various other
examples can attest. If you are a regular reader I would like
to encourage you to donate to the League. Every dollar
donated helps keep republicans mired in failure and impotent
fury. And that is a good thing.
A Kisaragi Colour