announced that the Queen had
approved the appointment of Julie
Payette as Canada's next Governor
General. Her term will officially
begin this Fall. As the media has
already reported Ms. Payette is
most qualified for the position. Now,
before I continue there is something
I would like to address.
quote by Philippe Lagasse, associate professor of international
affairs at Carleton University, about how “The reaction might
be, well, look, why do we need Royals when we can have
such stellar people as our head of state, as opposed to our
head of state’s representative? It calls into question, I would
say, the necessity of having the monarchy.” The statement is
either unnecessary worrying or republican fear mongering. In
either case misses a key point: Ms. Payette was able to
become Governor General because of the monarchy. It is
completely unclear if she would have become president in a
republican system. Its not even issues of sexism that are the
issue, its that politics attracts specific personalities. Ms.
Payette may have that personality or she may not. Further,
you have to have the inclination to enter politics. It is equally
unclear Ms. had this inclination. Appointment (and heredity
for that matter) sidesteps both issues and asks a person to do
their duty, even if its not something you would ever seek
to do yourself. But enough on that.
Julie Payette brings an interesting skill set to the office of the
Governor General having at various times been an astronaut,
engineer, scientist, and pilot. She lacks some of her
predecessor's constitutional knowledge but she has stated she
will seek advice from the current Governor General during
the transition period. It should also be noted that the
Governor General has a number of constitutional advisers
and this situation has not proved detrimental in the past. As
noted by local commentator Norbert Cunningham, Ms.
Payette has a speaking style and gravitas that is necessary for
the office but also an upbeat sense of humour that may lend a
bit of energy to that same office. An example of this can be
seen in a recent speech she gave (before learning she was
under consideration for the position). I extend my sincere
congratulations to Ms. Payette on her appointment and look
forward to what she does with the responsibility that has been
entrusted to her.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour