announced this week the completion
of its 6th Survey on the cost of the
Canadian Monarchy. The survey is
done every three years and serves to
give accurate information on how
much the monarchy costs Canadians.
$54,995,107 (or $1.53 per Canadian) during the fiscal year
2014-2015. This represents a drop of 7% since the last survey.
The survey includes comparisons with other government
institutions such as the Senate ($2.38 per Canadian), House
of Commons ($11.76 per Canadian), and CBC ($28.95 per
The survey is quite detailed and helps counter disinformation
spread by republicans as to what the monarchy actually costs.
Often such disinformation is spread in order to argue that a
president would be cheaper for Canada. The section looking at
the costs of several different republican heads of state is
included for this reason.

Chairmen have started:
-Angela Barrett has become Chairman of
the new Prince Edward Island Branch.
-Dave Willer has become Chairman of the
Niagara Region Branch which has split from
the Greater Hamilton Region.
-Bobby Paolini has taken over the Greater
Hamilton Region Branch.
As well, Paul Partington has taken on the task of forming a
Young Monarchist group in the Halifax area. The League does
good work and its initiatives are always appreciated.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour