Challenged And Changed A Nation' by John Boyko on the life
of R.B. Bennett. Perhaps Canada's most misunderstood Prime
Minister. I start off this collection of loyal quotes with his
feelings towards the Crown.

that I valued very highly the
opportunity so freely given to discuss
with my Sovereign matters of concern. I
state the simple truth when I write that I
came away from the Castle with an even
deeper feeling of affection and devotion
for my King and Queen, and I shall
continue to aspire more earnestly to
serve the Crown to the best of my ability,
sustained by the conviction that my Royal Master expects
His servants to do the best within them."
~R.B. Bennett, 11th Prime Minister of Canada (Tory)

Elizabeth and her family, it is truly an
amazing history to be able to live in the
time of her life and see what she has
done from June 2, 1952, on to today and
for the years to come. She has been a
symbol of grace and a symbol of
wondrous achievement in what she has
done. With her respect for all peoples, all
religions, all languages, the
Commonwealth, family and, above all,
her faith, she has been what I would call
a beacon of light and a beacon of hope
for all people, not just of the Commonwealth but of the
world. She has truly lived her life in the service of her
country and the Commonwealth. That is much to the chagrin
of many people. People in the United States, for example,
would love to have someone like Queen Elizabeth as their
head of state, as she truly resembles tradition from long
~Peter Stoffer, politician and veterans advocate

other members have said, the fact is the
Queen is beyond partisanship, beyond
rancour, plays no role in our domestic
politics but sets an example. When we
all take our oath as members of
Parliament, we swear one thing only,
and that is our allegiance to Her
Majesty the Queen. We do this again
today as we recognize, celebrate and
commend an extraordinary woman on 60 years on the
throne. Long may she reign. Long live the Queen."
~Elizabeth May, politician, lawyer, and writer
A Kisaragi Colour