There is a few items I wanted to
cover this Victoria Day. The
Monarchist League of Canada
sent out an email on May 11th
with ideas for how to celebrate
Victoria Day with friends and
family. It is a good list. Myself,
I have the last two years treated
my coworkers to birthday cake.
It's a good way to inform people
that Victoria Day is also the
reigning monarch's birthday.
Former MP Brian Murphy took the occasion to write a mostly
positive tribute to the monarchy in the Times & Transcript on
Friday. I had a few small issues with the piece and will be
writing a reply but overall it was a welcome surprise.
On the subject of the media: I have noticed a certain tendency
towards using 'May Long Weekend' rather than referring to
Victoria Day itself. I'm inclined to believe this is one of those
time-saving measures used by the media rather than any sort
of effort to downplay Victoria Day.
Conservative Party Leadership Candidate Chris Alexander
sent out an email today. I have copied it below:
"Today we celebrate free institutions & the stability of monarchs.
Since Louis XIII (pictured below), the reigns of just six of them (including Louis XIV,
George III & Queen Victoria) account for almost three & a half centuries of
Canadian history. In Québec, today is the 'Journée nationale des patriotes' --
celebrating the struggle for national recognition, political freedoms & democracy.
All achieved under the Crown of Canada.
It's time to recognize the crown's role in our lives by:
- holding a coronation of our next monarch in Canada; &
- styling our country the Kingdom of Canada.
Without constitutional amendment, upheaval or drama.
With pomp, dignity & ceremony. For love of country.
To show what we're becoming -- our history & our potential.
These ideas for renewing the Crown of Canada are here.
Happy Victoria Day!"
about when I met him at a candidates debate in Moncton. The
policy on styling Canada as a 'kingdom' is new to me though.
Finally, the month of May marks the 3rd anniversary of this
blog's founding. Hard to believe its been three years already.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour