their interactions with the Royal Family. I don't think these
stories are all that rare as even within the ranks of my 30, or
so, coworkers two have shared stories about Royal Tours. The
first is a story I have I may have already shared at one point.
When my coworker was a young girl she was part of an event
in Riverview, New Brunswick. I believe this would have been
the 1984 Royal Tour which celebrated New Brunswick's
bicentennial. While the Queen had gone to Sackville for an
event, Prince Philip attended an event in Riverview. The local
school seems to have had their students attend. As it turns out
my future coworker was one of the few students who dressed
up for the occasion. Either noticing that she had put some
effort into her appearance or that she was somewhat self-
conscious about this fact, Prince Philip approached her and
remarked about the somewhat unkempt appearance of the
other attendees.
The second story was relayed to me recently by a second
coworker. His son is a member of the RCMP and when he was
a rookie he was assigned to be part of the Queen's security
detail while she was staying at a hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Normally a rookie would not be given this job but it was found at the last minute that another officer assigned to the security
detail did not have a suit. My coworker's son was asked if he
did. He in fact did which got him added to the Queen's
security. That night he was assigned to the hotel grounds
where he chatted with a senior member of the security detail.
This man had an ear piece that was connected to microphones
in the Queen's bedroom so at the first sign of trouble he would
be alerted. The next morning the young rookie was assigned to the kitchen. The cook asked if he wanted a piece of
blueberry pie. He accepted and as he was eating he was made
aware of the fact that only one other piece had been served
from that pie which was the Queen's piece. I can only make
assumptions but it may well be that the Queen's food is kept
separate to avoid the potential for poisoning.
Anyways, these have been two stories about Canadian Royal
Tours. I hope you found them at least a little bit interesting.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour