them, the fiddleheads are out, and the
grass will soon be long enough to mow. It
has been a slow start to spring but it looks
to finally be here. Continuing this theme of
green renewal I have received a reply from
Green Party leadership candidate Amita
Kuttner regarding my policy questions.
should also be noted that this response came through Amita's
campaign manager Anthony and not directly from the
What are your views on the monarchy?
"The impact of the Monarchy on Canada cannot be
understated. The Royal family and Queen Elizabeth II have
shaped much of the Canadian identity for decades. However
we must also acknowledge that the Monarchy is also a
symbol of genocide and systemic violence perpetrated
against the Indegenous (sic) people of this land for centuries
in the name of colonialism. If Canada is to be united in
overcoming the crises we face, we must first find a way to
reconcile our traditions with those of all people who call
Canada home."
As prime minister would you make use of the
Advisory Committee on Vice-Regal Appointments
that was active between 2010 and 2015?
During the previous parliament the government
cancelled a program that mailed physical copies of
the Queen's portrait to any Canadian who asked free
of charge. Would you restore this program?
The government also removed the Queen's portrait
from the lobby of the Foreign Affairs Office and
replaced it with paintings by Alfred Pallen. Would
you find a way to have both paintings and portrait
share the ample wall space of the Foreign Affairs
Office lobby?
"...at the moment Amita does not know enough to give you
an answer to these questions. Amita and the team are still
looking at a broad range of policy areas including the issues
you've raised. It would be inappropriate of me to give you an
answer before Amita and the team have researched these
issues and completed their work. Rest assured we have not
forgotten about your questions and will get back to you as
soon as we can. Thank you for reaching out."
Amita appears to have made no public statements regarding
the monarchy. As such I only have the statement from their
campaign which isn't great. I will update this post should they
ever get back to me.
UPDATE: Amita has added abolishing the monarchy to
her campaign platform.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour