Parliament for Vancouver Granville, former
Attorney General of Canada, daughter of
hereditary chief Bill Wilson, and Matriarch
of the Wewaikai First Nation in her own
right. In recent weeks she has been a key
player in understanding the details of
attempts made by individuals in the Prime
Minister's Office to pressure her to defer the
prosecution of the company SNC-Lavalin in
her former capacity as Attorney General.
The company is charged with bribing Libyan officials back in
2011. A conviction would prevent them from bidding on
government contracts for a period of ten years and have
political ramifications in Quebec.
on an issue that was of her sole discretion is truly admirable.
If Her Majesty's coronation oath to "cause Law and Justice,
in Mercy, to be executed in all my judgements" is to have
any meaning she needs ministers like Mrs. Wilson-Raybould
who are willing to stand firm against those who see the rule of
law as a nuisance.
I found one quote from her testimony of specific interest;
“I come from a long line of matriarchs and I am a truth teller in accordance with
the laws and traditions of our Big House. This is who I am and this is who I will
always be. Gila’kasla [Thank You].” ~Jody Wilson-Raybould
heirs are trained in their profession with their family's long
history acting as a guide for their present and future. This
quote exemplifies this principle. And, indeed, it would seem
strong leadership is her inheritance. If the Prime Minister
believed he could control her he was being very foolish.
Mrs. Wilson-Raybould bears another name, 'Puglaas', which
was given to her by her tribe. It means “woman born to
noble people”. Despite attempts to undermine and discredit
her it would seem that Canadians recognize who is displaying
nobility of character in this fight. And its not the prime
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour