leadership race this year. It is to choose
a successor to Elizabeth May who has
been a longtime champion of Canada's
monarchy. This is also the first time
since the party gained national status
that a leadership race has been called.
As such it is an important chance to see
what the party's thinking is on Canada's
Questions & Replies
1. What are your views on the monarchy?
2. As prime minister would you make use of the Advisory Committee on Vice-Regal
Appointments that was active between 2010 and 2015?
3. During the previous parliament the government cancelled a program that
mailed physical copies of the Queen's portrait to any Canadian who asked free of
charge. Would you restore this program?
4. The government also removed the Queen's portrait from the lobby of the Foreign
Affairs Office and replaced it with paintings by Alfred Pallen. Would you find a
way to have both paintings and portrait share the ample wall space of the Foreign
Affairs Office lobby?
any previous comments they may have made in regards to the
monarchy. Candidates who failed to qualify or withdrew are
included for historical reference.
Qualified to appear on the ballot
David Merner
Amita Kuttner
Annamie Paul
Meryam Haddad
Glen Murray
Dimitri Lascaris
Courtney Howard
Andrew West
No longer in the race
Dylan Perceval-Maxwell
Judy Green
Crown & Cap Scoreboard
to, the monarchy. Keep in mind this is only my assessment
and your mileage may vary. Also, note that changes may occur
as the campaign goes on.
The crown score is out of five crowns with each candidate
receiving one crown for stating support for the monarchy
in their reply, one crown for having defended the monarchy
in Parliament, two crowns for outlining how they would
improve the monarchy's role in the future, and one crown for
having spoken in support of the monarchy outside of
The cap score is likewise out of five caps with one cap given to
a candidate for being opposed to the monarchy in their reply,
one cap for desiring a referendum on the monarchy, one cap
for opposing the monarchy in Parliament and two caps for
making the establishment of a Canadian republic a part of
their policy platform.
Loyal Quotes
least 40 years. Bush won over Gore because the USA does
not have a Royal head of state. It is important."
~Dylan Perceval-Maxwell
me. While I might disagree at times with the replies I receive
it is at least good to know that politicians still take the time
to reply to ordinary Canadians.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour