announced that he was done with
blogging for the foreseeable future.
I would like to take this chance to
pay homage to this man for his
tireless advocacy of monarchy.
of historical profiles, current events, rants, and observations.
For six years he maintained a punishing schedule of almost
daily posting. In fact, his output from 2009 alone dwarfs my
total output over these last four years. It was tireless and
somewhat thankless work. As a pan-monarchist he was not
interested in the petty disputes that had divided monarchists
of different cultural or religious backgrounds or the
never-ending dispute on what dynasty should rule France.
As such he sometimes got it from all sides. But he persevered
and he built up a respectable following.
I, myself, have been following his blog for at least the last four
years and it was his blog that inspired me to start my own tiny
blog focused on the Canadian Monarchy. For being that
inspiration I thank you, Mad Monarchist.

Mad Monarchist has decided to
stop posting for a while (or had
to for personal reasons) but his
post did have a sense of finality
to it. Then again he did tack a
'for now' onto the title of the
blog post so who knows?
The monarchist blogosphere
has lost a valuable contributor
and it remains to be seen who
would, or could, pick up the
slack. Perhaps we should take
comfort in the sheer volume of
blog posts he has left behind.
Time to re-orientate. The Mad Monarchist mentioned some
behind the scenes work he wants to pursue. He left it unsaid
whether this was monarchy-related or a different political
project. But what I do know is that if he says people are never
likely to stumble upon his new project its likely true.
I suppose as a final parting thought I will re-state an opinion
I've held for sometime now (and which I've told the Mad
Monarchist himself). He should collect his blog posts into a
book. Or at least make a collection of 'greatest hits'. If he does
not intend to keep the blog up forever it would be a suitable
end for it to make the jump to the written page.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour