and powerful, not because he is a
successful politician, not because he
belongs to a particular creed or to a
national group. He is King because he is
born. And in choosing to leave the
selection of their head of state to this
most common denominator in the
world -the accident of birth- Canadians
implicitly proclaim their faith in human
equality; their hope for the triumph of nature over political
manoeuvre, over social and financial interest; for the victory
of the human person."
~Jacques Monet, historian and author

issues, there are probably no two people
in the House who agree less than Peter
and I. However, we found a sense of
camaraderie... There are two things on
which we do share agreement. One of
those is the importance of Canadian
history. I thank Peter for his constant
reminders of the importance of
Canadian history in this House. The
second, strangely enough, is the
monarchy. Peter and I share being
monarchists. I believe the constitutional
monarchy is one of the foundations of our democracy,
because when one is from my community, one knows it is
hard to upstage a queen."
~Randall Garrison, politician and human rights activist

that “The monarchy is the bedrock of
Canada's constitutional order.” I firmly
agree, and I have always believed that.
I am proud to be a strong monarchist,
holding firm to the belief that historical
continuity is the best anchor for bold
and progressive governance. I would
like to express my sincere hope that Her
Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh will
continue to be beacons of love and
devotion for years to come."
~Alexandra Mendès, politician
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour