Dent Coad gave a rambling
speech to Labour Party activists
in which she attacked Prince
Harry's military service record,
Prince Philip's fidelity, and the
monarchy as an institution. Let
us take a look at what was said.
serve in the military.
Soak in the magnitude of what is being claimed here. She has
essentially claimed that the British military is unprofessional,
incompetent, and dishonest. It would have to be for both Ms.
Coad's comment to be true and for Prince Harry to have
served in the military in the capacities he did.
What is interesting is her statement that she believed her
claim was true but didn't have any proof.
Claim #2 “I am the royal family’s worst nightmare”
Ok, this is more funny due to its sheer hubris. Emma Coad,
rookie Opposition backbencher, is the Royal Family's worst
nightmare? Please, spare us. If she makes the top 100 she
should feel honoured.
Claim #3 Prince Philip has been an unfaithful husband.
Like claims that the Earth is actually flat this is one of
those untruths that just won't die. This despite pretty much
everyone denying it. Perhaps Prince Philip gave the best
defence when he was once asked about the rumours:
"Good God, woman! Have you ever stopped to think that for years I've not moved
anywhere without a policeman accompanying me? How the hell could I have got
away with anything like that?"
by Ms. Coad. This is just as well. If the Royal Family
commented every time one of their MPs said something
stupid they would no longer be non-partisan. Plus, I think
they get what game Ms. Coad is playing. The life of a lowly
backbench MP is a boring one and not conductive to career
advancement. Saying enough inflammatory things until you
win has proved to be a viable strategy.
And I should probably also point out that the Labour Party
has pretty much disowned her comments.
Which brings us to today when Ms. Coad has stated she won't
apologize for what was obviously a joke. Never mind that she
defended the comment just the day before. But lets say Ms.
Coad is sincere (this time). What does it say about a person
when they find it humorous to tear down others? Well, for
starters it is one of the more annoying signs of entrenched
insecurity. A quick look at her profile reveals other parts of
her life that could be feeding this sad inferiority complex.
The Royal Couple's happy marriage in comparison to Ms.
Coad's two divorces is only the most obvious example.
Because no one remembers the first rule of getting out of a
hole you dug (stop digging), Ms. Coad released another
statement suggesting that she would not apologize because
she is busy dealing with the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower
fire. It takes a certain amount of gall to hide behind families
burned out of their homes. But it is humorous that she then
remarked "On Monday night I made a joke. It has been taken
the wrong way. Can we look at the real issues now?" Ms.
Coad has no one else to blame for people paying attention to
this issue but herself. I suspect she would never admit that.

Toronto helping former soldiers
overcome the trauma of war
through sport, speaking to youth
about making a difference in the world, and generally
being a likable human being.
Which is more than can be said for Emma Dent Coad and her
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour