today is from Dr. Leslyn Lewis.
Truthfully, I received Dr.
Lewis' reply some time ago but
it was so short I made an extra
effort to try and get a longer
reply. As this has not happened
yet I will assume the quote
below is the candidates' full
opinion on the subject. To the
question of what Dr. Lewis
thought about the monarchy
she replied:
"I love the Queen."
Besides Dr. Lewis' short reply she seems to have made exactly
one public remark about the monarchy by re-tweeting
birthday greetings. From this we can conclude that Dr.
Lewis does indeed love the Queen. What this leaves unsaid is
what she feels about the monarchy as a whole.
UPDATE: The Monarchist League of Canada has received a
response from Dr. Lewis. Her Crown score has been updated
to reflect her new response:
"Canada's history is defined by its institutions that are
rooted in its Constitutional Monarchy and our Parliament is
the embodiment of the key principle that I hope to represent
as Prime Minister: responsible government. The reign of Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has seen Canada enjoy
tremendous growth and prosperity, and I believe that we are
well served by our Constitutional Monarchy. Long may she
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour