inhabitants of Canada. And despite the failures of successive
elected governments to uphold promises made to these First
Nations, the relationship between them and the Royal Family
remains strong. One comparatively recent expression of this
relationship is the giving of names by tribes to Royal Family
members. Below are just the ones I was able to track down.

Her Majesty was given this name in
1959 by the Salish Nation. It actually
echos two names from the past. King
George III was referred to as the Great Father during negotiations with First
Nations and Queen Victoria came to be known as the Great White Mother.

(Son of the Big Boss)
Prince Charles was given this name in
1976 by the Inuit as a direct reference to
his position as heir. While this was the
first time Prince Charles was honoured
in this way it was not to be the last. He
has been given at least three other
names and titles.
Red Crow
In 1977 Prince Charles was granted a Kainai Chieftainship by
the Blood Tribe for his work advocating for First Nations
along with the name Red Crow which seems to refer to an
important chief in their history.
Leading Star
Given to Prince Charles in 1986 by Cree and Ojibwa students
in Winnipeg.
Pisimwa Kamiwohkitahpamikohk
(The Sun Looks at Him in a Good Way)
Given to Prince Charles in 2001 by elders of the Northern
Plains people.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour