share many similarities, from a common
language to a common head of state. From
our shared history to our parliamentary
democracy, our similarities are greater than
our differences.
Movement Organization started advocating to leverage
those similarities to create a trade bloc with free movement of
people across borders. In January of 2017 the organization
was renamed CANZUK International to represent the
expanded focus on free trade and foreign policy cooperation.
It is headquartered in Vancouver.
International has attached to the prospective countries being
monarchies. From CANZUK International's website:
"CANZUK International maintains that the shared Sovereign would be an essential
aspect of any union for the CANZUK Group. The monarch, who represents a global
institution, has played an important role as a symbol of a shared culture, legal
tradition and history. Furthermore, the Crown has been the cornerstone of
democratic government and the rule of law over a long history of peaceful
constitutional development. It is instructive to note that the English speaking
countries which have retained the monarchy have been far more successful in
avoiding civil unrest than their republican counterparts."
one is that it is very rare for an organization to highlight the
importance of the monarchy in this way and go so far as make
it a cornerstone of their proposal. Republicans would be
unable to claim that abandoning the monarchy would have no
negative effects (although even without CANZUK that view is
still inaccurate) if Canada were to join.
Her Majesty's realms have been cooperating on a number of
issues for years. Canada and Britain share embassy space
in a number of countries (Britain and Australia have similar
agreements) and all four countries share intelligence on
potential threats. This agreement stands to bring Her
Majesty's realms closer together while acknowledging their
independence. For information and a FAQ sheet on CANZUK
International you can check here.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour