Pahlavi, claimant to the throne of
Iran, addressed a meeting of
international academics, scientists,
strategists, researchers, artists,
authors, entrepreneurs, and other
intellectuals gathered in the City of
Toronto. The gathering was of
supporters of The Phoenix Project
of Iran.

that the 1979 revolution has
stunted scientific discovery and
technological progress to the
detriment of future generations
of Iranians. The organization
aims to bring experts together
to develop solutions to
challenges facing the country.
The Phoenix Project's full
mission statement can be
found here.
together. The group itself was only founded in September of
last year by Dr. Alayar Kangarlu, a professor at Columbia
University. So far the organization seems to be gaining a lot of
diaspora and speaks often on the national issues that face
Iran. He has been a proponent of Iran's need for real
democracy and a modern, forward-looking vision. It is
perhaps indicative of his effectiveness that the regime of the
mullahs still demonize him. And with many Iranians in the
recent anti-government protests chanting in support of the
Shah's return it seems the people of Iran increasingly know
who has their back. But that is an article for another day.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour