in Alberta a number of years
ago or maybe it is because I
still have family living there
but I find it very easy to get
dragged into their political
discussions. The recent
Alberta election has not been
any different. And, as is my
tradition, I began surveying
various candidates on
where they stand on the
Canadian Monarchy.
As always the question asked was simple:
What are your views on the monarchy?
Follow-up questions were not asked. Each candidate was
permitted to say as much or as little they wanted on the topic.
Steve Durrell (NDP)

"Hi, the monarchy and Canada's
relationship with it, is of federal
concern, and the Alberta New
Democratic Party has no position
on it."
(Full disclosure: This is a friend of a friend of mine)
I'll note this is not entirely true. Her Majesty also serves as
Queen in right of Alberta. Much as federalism splits the roles
of government between federal and provincial levels, the
office of the Crown can also be said to be split. As such the
monarchy functions in Alberta in much the same way as it
does at the federal level. It should also be noted that I didn't
ask what the NDP's views on the monarchy are.
Peter Guthrie (UCP)

"The monarchy is symbolic in
A tad short but it will do. Often this type of comment is made
as a criticism (perhaps not in this case though). It shouldn't
be. Symbols are an important part of governance. When the
government invited the Queen to address the legislative
assembly during the 100th anniversary of Alberta's entry into
Confederation it was a symbol of the provincial pride in all it
has accomplished.
Matthew Morrisey (FCP)

"I like the tradition of it. I swore an
oath to defend Queen and country
when I was in the Canadian Armed
(Full disclosure: I am related to this candidate)
I think this is where many Canadians stand. They don't have a
great appreciation for the constitutional and legal roles of the
monarchy but they like that it makes Canada a little bit
different. I have also noticed that those who have actually
gotten to see how the monarchy infuses our system first hand
of government are the ones who have a stronger support for
Vern Raincock (AP)

"To be honest - given the
circumstances that we find
ourselves within Alberta - I have
not even considered a position on
the Monarchy and the impact the
Monarchy may or may not have on
our every day lives."
Mr. Raincock's first email to me actually asked what he should
consider in regard to Canada's ties to the monarchy. And if I
wasn't collecting survey responses at the time I certainly
would have. But I held back. Maybe I'll send him some links
to arguments in favour of the monarchy. Maybe I'll
send him some quotes by prominent Canadians. Or
maybe I'll just recommend an interesting book I've read.
Alberta election. It has been an enlightening, if not always
comfortable, experience.
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour