Party Leadership Race to get back to me is
Tony Clement. His prompt reply is much
appreciated. As a reminder, the question
posed to each candidate is "What are your
views on the monarchy?" The question has
been kept short both to see if candidates
will elaborate (a possible sign of strong
support) and to hide my bias to hopefully
get the candidate to answer honestly.
Mr. Clement gave the following reply:
"I support the Monarchy in our country as a stabilizing force consistent with our
history and heritage."
said it differs in content. Mr. Clement goes beyond stating
that the monarchy won't be touched to stating active support
and the reasoning behind that support.
As before I decided to check out openparliament.ca to see
what the candidate has said about the monarchy in
Parliament. I found that Mr. Clement has made no mention of
the monarchy or royal family since his election in 2006. This
is not too different from the results I got for Mr. Bernier. Now,
in either case it can be easy to read too much into this. But by
way of comparison Jason Kenney has mentioned the
monarchy eight times since 1996. Green Party Leader
Elizabeth May has mentioned the institution five times since
her election in 2011. Mr. Clement's reply did say he would
elaborate so maybe he will share more of his views on the
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour