like, first comment, first re-tweet, first 1000 daily views. All
have long-since been surpassed by this blog. But there is one
milestone that has remained stubbornly out of reach: hate
mail. If I sound disappointed, I am. One sign that my blog is
getting views outside of my typical audience would be an
increase in hostile messaging and posts. That has been absent,
until now.
mail. I could ignore it but that is very low
effort, even for me. Or I can take an idea
from a certain YouTube channel and just
mock it. Sadly, the fine gentleman that
put in a great deal of effort to contact me
didn't give me a lot to work with. And I
am not nearly as clever or funny as the
Youtuber linked to above. Perhaps this
type of comedy actually requires having
a British accent. But enough delaying!
Bill Malcolm
Your Leave a Comment form doesn't work. Press submit and zilch. So here goes:
People have managed to figure
out how to post comments
both before and after the last
time you told me about this
problem. I can only assume it
is a problem on your end. Did
you remember to fill out the
required boxes and hit the
Submit button (with your
cursor, not your head). I've
included a helpful diagram for
you. Hopefully this simple process will give you no trouble in
the future.
Another highly irrelevant post about something that matters not a twiddley-dum,
twiddley-dee in the scheme of things these days. The UK's falling to bits and all you
offer amounts to an explanation why Entertainment Tonight and all the gossip
rags treat this bunch of dough-heads as if they were important or something.
Celebrities, no more no less[,] and just as empty between their lugholes.
of the page) is unclear. Brexit for all its
insanity isn't a topic for this blog. But
you might be happy to know I have
sent advice to MPs in Britain on how
they might get a better Brexit deal. It
would screw over the European Union
pretty hard so depending on your
stance on that organization maybe you
won't be happy after all. Perhaps I
should write some editorials on that
idea too. Hmm...
On a progressive blog, no less, where something a bit more enlightening than tired
old arguments dredged up for the 15th time justifying keeping this lot in clover
would be appreciated.
the one's put forward by the Monarchist League. You can view
all of them on the Arguments For Monarchy page.
Listen, mate, I was born in the UK in the forties and nobody gave a damn then,
except for the brief period when the king died and Elizabeth was crowned Queen
the next year.
has pointed out he is in fact 72. The author regrets the error)
Perhaps a more respectful tone is required for someone who
has a solid 40 years on me. Mr. Malcolm, do you think I talk
monarchy with everyone I know? Not in the slightest. I have
about three people I know for which the Canadian Monarchy
is a topic of conversation. All of them younger than yourself.
Have you considered that your views are generational in
nature and not a good representation of wide public opinion?
My parents didn't and they were well-educated. We came to Canada in the late
fifties; I returned for five years from 1969. How much did the Brits natter on about
the monarchy while I was there? Zilch. Not my relatives, not my friends, not a soul.
At the end of movies at theatres while God Save The Queen was played, people still
moved to the exits. Standing up, chest out, stomach in, to honour the Queen was not
exactly top of anyone's list.
But with opinion polls consistently showing 75+% in favour of
retaining the monarchy it would seem there is a lot of silent
I couldn't care less one way or the other about the monarchy. If the British
government want to keep them, fine. But to have some colonial stand up and natter
on about the wonderfulness of it all is a bit too much for me to bear.
Irrelevant to Canadians from beginning to end. Go and do something useful for a
working full time, organizing a candidates debate in my
riding, running in an election, organizing a second trip to
Japan, and making a business plan still leaves me with the
free time to write this blog while also wasting hours on video
games. And my traffic stats contradict your 'irrelevancy'
charge so I think I'll continue doing what I've been doing.
Oh, if you have any influence, get that menace Prince Philip off the road. Him, his
new Landie, and the missing seatbelt.
seat belt. And we are talking about Prince
Philip here. I'm not sure anyone has
influence over Prince Philip. Maybe the
Queen but she trusts his judgement so I
guess the only one to tell Prince Philip to
get off the road is Prince Philip. I can just
imagine the response to such a request.
I'm sure it would be glorious.
Too pig-headed to apologize, so after two days when the PR types finally got the
Queen to wake up and not appear like she and her hubby actually didn't care about
the mere peon injured when they really didn't, it all seemed highly lame.
since the courts can, and will, take it as an admission of guilt.
Blame the litigiousness of the Americans for it if you want but
its the world we live in.
As I say, do something profitable with your time. If you want to spend your money
flying to Blighty and standing in the crowd down the Mall to catch a glimpse of
these people while waving a 99p Union Jack, please feel free to do so. But don't
bother documenting it for a political crowd in Canada. WE DON'T CARE.
contact me and express that opinion. And it is my time, I will
use it on whatever profitable endeavor I wish. And strictly
speaking I have no interest in going to Britain (thank you
though for the invitation).
And I must give you my sincere thanks for providing me with
content for my blog. It was most kind of you. Have a great
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour