had cancer was surprising for a
number of reasons. For starters,
the fact the Royal Family was even
forthcoming about the surgery
that resulted in its discovery is a
change in policy from how these
matters are usually handled. That
the cancer diagnosis was then
announced even more so. Clearly,
the King feels he should be more
open about his health than his
mother was. There have been several attempts at armchair
diagnoses with people wondering if this means King Charles'
reign will be far shorter than anyone imagined. Such thinking
can go both ways; releasing the information may be a way of
easing the public into the idea he might die soon. On the other
hand, the fact this cancer was discovered seemingly by
accident before it had manifested any symptoms can be seen
as good news (the only thing known about it currently is it is
not prostate cancer). And, of course, given the pernicious
nature of cancer its possible both are equally true.
Responses from Canadians
statement of February 5th:
"My husband, Whit, and I join with all Canadians in sending our best wishes to His
Majesty The King as he begins cancer treatment.
His Majesty has always led with passion and he has always endeavoured to inspire
others to create a better world. Today, with this news, he once again is leading by
example. So many Canadians are going through this battle. Two out of every five
Canadians will be diagnosed with a type of cancer in their lifetime. Seeing His
Majesty acknowledge cancer so openly and publicly will hopefully encourage and
motivate those who are struggling with their own treatment. We admire The King’s
strength and determination as he confronts this disease.
To His Majesty and to the entire Royal Family, our thoughts are with you today
and always."
on Facebook:
The Anglican Lord Bishop of Ontario, whose See City is Kingston, composed the
prayer below, which we commend to all Christians to forward to their rector,
minister, or pastor for use in worship, as well as to use in their own supplications.
As well as a French translation, we have also taken the Liberty of providing a
slightly-amended version which could be used by people of non-Christian faiths.
In our diverse country, over 60% tell pollsters they believe in God, with roughly
another 15% saying they are unsure, and about 25% being non-believers in a Deity.
In that spirit, would it not be a wonderful thing for the believers reading this
EComm to forward it to family, friends and colleagues throughout the land, as well
as post it on their favorite social media platforms, so forming a chain of prayer,
love and concern.
As in all things outside our remit, we simply repeat the timeless advice: all may,
some should, none must.
Almighty God, and healer of all our infirmities, from whom all sovereignty takes its
pattern, we pray for the good health and recovery of our gracious Sovereign King
Charles III. Give him strength of body and spirit to continue in service to his
people. Grant wisdom and skill to all those who treat him, and patience, peace and
a glad heart to the Queen as she supports The King in his work and recovery. Grant
that, restored to health, he may yet serve all the peoples of this land and the whole
Commonwealth, and follow the way of the Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord, who
with the Holy Spirit remains ever one God, world without end. AMEN
Almighty God, and healer of all our infirmities, from whom all sovereignty takes its
pattern, we pray for the good health and recovery of our gracious Sovereign King
Charles III. Give him strength of body and spirit to continue in service to his
people. Grant wisdom and skill to all those who treat him, and patience, peace and
a glad heart to the Queen as she supports The King in his work and recovery. Grant
that, restored to health, he may yet serve all the peoples of this land and the whole
Commonwealth, and so follow the way of the God who lovest us all. AMEN
Dieu tout-puissant et guérisseur de toutes nos infirmités, de qui toute souveraineté
tire son modèle, nous prions pour la bonne santé et le rétablissement de notre
gracieux souverain, le roi Charles III. Donnez-lui la force du corps et de l'esprit
pour continuer à servir son peuple. Accordez la sagesse et la compétence à tous
ceux qui le soignent, ainsi que la patience, la paix et un cœur joyeux à la Reine qui
soutient le Roi dans son travail et son rétablissement. Faites que, rétabli, il puisse
encore servir tous les peuples de ce pays et du Commonwealth tout entier, et suivre
la voie du Sauveur, Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur, qui, avec le Saint-Esprit, reste
toujours un seul Dieu, dans le monde entier. AMEN
Dieu tout-puissant et guérisseur de toutes nos infirmités, de qui toute souveraineté
tire son modèle, nous prions pour la bonne santé et le rétablissement de notre
gracieux souverain, le roi Charles III. Donnez-lui la force du corps et de l'esprit
pour continuer à servir son peuple. Accordez la sagesse et la compétence à tous
ceux qui le soignent, ainsi que la patience, la paix et un cœur joyeux à la Reine qui
soutient le Roi dans son travail et son rétablissement. Faites que, rétabli, il puisse
encore servir tous les peuples de ce pays et du Commonwealth tout entier, et suivre
ainsi le chemin du Dieu qui nous aime tous. AMEN
put out a statement;
"I know that all members of the League, and indeed all Canadians, will be holding
our King, Queen Camilla and the entire Royal Family in our hearts during what
must be a most difficult time for them, and one of anxiety for all, especially us and
our fellow inhabitants of the Realms. That 20% of us will be similarly afflicted in
our life time brings The King even closer to his subjects, and us to him.
You may mail good wishes to The King at Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA -
it does require postage. And nothing would please His Majesty more than to know
you will be doing a good work his name and honour, such as donating to the
Canadian Cancer Society, visiting the sick or bringing some treats to where
homeless people gather."
A Response from India
Pattnaik created an impressive tribute to the King;
he undergoes treatment. This has impacted one major
engagement thus far with him sending congratulations to
Grenada on its 50th year of independence and expressing
regret he could not be there to celebrate the occasion in
With the King getting treatment there is the question of how
his various engagements will be divided up among the other
'working royals'. Princess Anne, indefatigable though she may
be, can't reasonably take on more duties. Prince William may
step up but there is also a possibility Lady Louise Windsor
(the King's niece) will take on duties as has been speculated
since 2023.
To finish off, I would like to wish His Majesty a speedy
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour