Her Majesty The Queen

The Governor General
The Governor General had to cancel a visit to New Brunswick scheduled for August 6th due to contracting the flu.
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia
Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick
On August 8th Premier Alward announced the appointment of Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau as the new lieutenant governor. The official swearing-in will take place shortly after the up-coming provincial election. As a New Brunswicker myself I would like to thank Graydon Nicholas for his service these last few years.
On August 19th His Honour performed what will likely be one of his last duties as Lieutenant Governor by accepting the advice of his premier to call an election for September 22nd.
Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island
I have to say that while doing these updates I learned a lot about the role of Canada's Vice-Regal positions and about how each person makes their mark on the office(s).
Loyally Yours,
A Kisaragi Colour